Writing is so powerful— it’s the stories that I hear that are the stories that teach me, which then have completely shape who I am. For me, I’m a huge skincare and beauty junkie and have self-educated myself through the wellness/beauty writers of Vogue, goop.com, The Cut, and Allure. Ever since starting at FIT’s Blush Magazine and then joining Guest of a Guest’s editorial team my freshman year of FIT, the rest is history. At GOG, I cultivated a relationship with a hospitality PR agency, RVD Communications, to help spotlight new hospitality openings, collaborations, and limited edition specials to a digital audience of 60,000+ subscribers. From lifestyle and culture, I’ve also dabbled in beauty and wellness for Chillhouse’s digital publication, The Chill Times (an extension to NYC’s premier cafe-meets-spa that serves as a digital publication for wellness and self care).

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